Saturday, September 29, 2007

Marry Me, Carey

I've always had a thing for tubby dorks in glasses. Just ask my husband. So my passion for Drew Carey is no small thing. Yeah, I think he's sexy.

But, seriously.

Drew Carey was someone who caught my eye years ago, just before he hit it big with his own TV show. So, over the intervening years I was pleased to discover that he, like I do, has a "live and let live" philosophy, as well as loathing for the Hollywood celebrity culture. The man has a brain, he's funny, and he likes a good time--in my book, he's batting three for three.

No, I don't want to marry him--I picked the title for this post because the rhyming pleased me. (It takes so little to entertain me some days.) For one thing, I already am. For another, I think he'd be a better drinking buddy and friend with benefits than husband. For a third, marriage would keep me from entertaining James Spader, should he ever appear at my door. Mmm, James Spader...

But I digress.

Carey's involved with something named, natch, "The Drew Carey Project" which is, in Carey's words, "about freedom." If you want to see the advance clip, you'll need the password, which is sizzle.

One of these days, I'm going to start a MySpace page. And when I do, I'm going to friend Carey. Who knows? Maybe he'd agree to do an interview with me, right here on this blog.

In the meantime, Drew, I salute you, you handsome, intelligent devil, you.


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